(415) 233-6918 lab@mvlabs.ai

Introducing MARVIN Air

the world's first DIY mold monitoring device

MARVIN Air is ideal for renters, families, asthma sufferers, the elderly, and the health conscious.

  • 70% of US homes have hidden mold growth.
  • Infants exposed to mold have 3x chance of developing asthma.
  • Mold is a leading cause of death for the immunocompromised.

Like a canary in a coalmine, MARVIN Air can alert you of hidden mold growth before it begins to impact your health. Why spend up to $1000 for a mold inspector when you can do it yourself, powered by AI!

Simply place MARVIN Air in your home or office, load a sampling tray (2 provided), and MARVIN Air collects any airborne molds spores you are being exposed to. After collection drop your trays in any USPS letter box with the provided return paid envelope, and we’ll use our laboratory’s cutting edge MARVIN Lens system to analyze for over a dozen toxic, and allergy causing molds.

Each lab analysis includes a detailed report quantifying the levels of mold in your home, detailing any risks to you and your family, and recommendations to resolve your mold issues. If you’re renting, send this report to your landlord or the city to come resolve the mold issues!

The MARVIN Air also reports real-time air quality metrics including Carbon Monoxide, Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 & PM 10), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Optional Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature. Compared with other indoor air quality sensors, MARVIN Air has far greater sensing abilities, in a portable form-factor.


Refund Policy and Terms of Service

Congratulations, you’re on the cutting edge! Please allow up to 4 weeks to receive your order. You may refund at any time up until your order is shipped. Not ready to order? Follow us on Instagram to stay updated

MARVIN Air vs Aranet4

How does MARVIN Air compare with other popular indoor air quality systems? Like the Aranet4, MARVIN Air boasts a highly portable form factor, long battery life (with ePaper display), and a clean design. But it’s what’s inside that really counts!





Hidden Mold Detection



Air Quality Sensors

PM2.5, TVOCs, CO, CO2

CO2 Only

Remote Monitoring

Internet (WiFi), Bluetooth

Bluetooth Range Only

Min. Sensing Frequency

5 Seconds

30 Minutes

Environmental Sensors

Temp, Humidity, Air Pressure

Temp, Humidity, Air Pressure

Mobile App


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